When you Print later or print to the Printix Anywhere printer, you can release the document from your phone, tablet, or computer.

Scan QR code to release documents

  1. Open the native Printix App on your phone or tablet.
  2. To print all matching documents (anywhere and later), select the QR code icon at the top of the page.
    To print selected documents (anywhere or later), you can A) Select the QR code icon at the top of the page or, B) Select Scan at the bottom of the page.
    • Android
      If asked, select Allow to allow Printix App to take pictures and record video.
    • iOS/iPadOS
      If asked, select OK to allow Printix App to access the camera to scan QR codes.
  1. Use the camera to scan the QR code on the printer ID sign.
    • The message Invalid QR code will appear if the QR code does not reference a printer.
    • The message Document is not for this printer will appear if the scanned QR code does not match the selected print later documents. Select Close.
  1. If there are multiple print queues for this printer, you may be asked to select one. You will not be asked if only one of these print queues is marked as favorite
    • The message No print queue will appear if there is no valid print queue for the scanned QR code.
  1. Documents will start to print.

Scan NFC tag to release documents

  1. Open the native Printix App on your phone.
    • Android
      Most Android phones support NFC.
    • iOS
      Apple iPhone 7 and above with iOS 11 or later can be used to scan NFC tag.
  1. To print all matching documents (anywhere and later), select the NFC tag icon at the top of the page.
    To print selected documents (anywhere or later), you can A) Select the NFC tag icon at the top of the page or, B) Select Scan at the bottom of the page.
  2. Phone shows: Ready to scan.
    Hold the phone close to the NFC tag to scan this.
    • For optimal scanning, the distance to the NFC tag should be less than 4 cm.
    • The phone’s NFC detection area depends on the mark and model, and is typically on the backside near the top of the phone.
    • The message Invalid NFC tag will appear if the NFC tag is not registered with a printer.
    • The message Document is not for this printer will appear if the scanned NFC tag does not match the selected print later documents. Select Close.
  1. If there are multiple print queues for this printer, you may be asked to select one. You will not be asked if only one of these print queues is marked as favorite
    • The message No print queue will appear if there is no valid print queue for the scanned NFC tag.
  1. Documents will start to print.

Why does Android phone show: New tag collected?

The message New tag collected may appear if an Android phone is held near an NFC tag without the Printix App Scan button or NFC tag icon has first been selected. Just ignore the message by selecting Back and proceed to select the Scan button or the NFC tag icon.

Release Print anywhere documents

  1. Open Printix App
  2. Select a print anywhere document.
    • Printix App dynamically checks if printing is possible based on the availability of the selected printer and document (stored in cloud or on your computer).
    • You can print to one printer at a time.
  1. If required, select Select printer or Printer at the bottom left of the page.
    • Mobile printed anywhere documents can, unless the printer’s QR code or NFC tag is scanned, be released only to printers that has a print queue with Via the cloud (On all networks) checked.
    • Chromebook printed anywhere documents can, unless the printer’s QR code or NFC tag is scanned, be released only to printers that has a print queue with Via the cloud (On all networks) checked.
  1. Select Print at the bottom right of the page.

Release Print later documents

  1. Open Printix App
  2. Select a print later document.
    • Printix App dynamically checks if printing is possible based on the availability of the selected printer and document (stored in cloud or on your computer).
    • You can print to one printer at a time.
    • The release printer is listed above the documents.
  1. Select Print at the bottom of the page.


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